Hi, My Name is Dhruv Dhayal as a student intrested in Software Develoupemt field!
Hire ME!
|| Skills & Services ||
I can use my skills by working in a different minor/major projects but as well as for gaming , programming based projects!
Programming Languages
C, DSA(C), C++, DSA(C++), OOPS,
and many Software based skill set
Leadership & Coordinator
Coordintor in Software Develoupment Cell and handle many more events, experience in order to manage two task at a time.
Web Develoupment phase
HTML(5), CSS, JS, PHP, REACT(CURRENT), And having cope-ip collaboration with my seniors working on a 'Game'!
Familiarity with software development methodologies,
such as Agile and Waterfall.
Ability to design and implement complex software solutions.
Strong problem-solving and debugging skills.
Team Cypher
Leading and Contributing in order to solve an specific statement! in (SIH)
We, sucessfully completed the project according to the problem statement which is a "Software" based all the members they cope up and contribute towards their task, in a less no: of days we, got selected from "Internal college round" for "Smart India Hackathon (SIH).
Software Develoupment Cell (SDIC)
Our values define us. Our culture differentiates us. Our strategy drives us. Where I'am working as a Technical Member to handle college websites, different Softwares and handle many Events!
Dhruv Dhayal
Technical Team Member & Coordinator -2nd
Connections and 2-Leading Teams Experience
4 Acheivements Codesoft, Techquiz, Upstop, Snakecode
Internship Completed Inc. all
Frelancing revenue for 2023 Online
>>>>>>>>>>>> Projects : ) <<<<<<<<<<
I can capability to provide the advanced technology solutions, our architectural solutions are a result of a collaborative process that empowers our multidisciplinary teams to share knowledge, leverage new technology and create innovative design solutions, which all i have to learn from (SCALAR) Courses.
2. NPTEL Ethical Hacking
This project helps me learn to hack account, steganography, plagarism, backdoor, man-in-middle , etc attacks with different commands! Public might use it in an Illegal manner so, that i did not give the link, unless you mssg me privately!
Github: https://github.com/BlockNotes-4515
Get Personalised with me at Topmate!
--> We, will connect share our views, belief opinion and discuss on a particular doubt or a topic! (*Releavant) to aProgramming or a Technological Field <Topmate: https://topmate.io/dhruv_dhayal>
Contact Us
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5th Floor Cosmos Greens, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan-301019
Call us:
--> +91-8529994515
"Where there is will there is a Way!"
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